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Affordable Nickel Silver Flex Track

Greg wants to buy some nickel silver track and wants readers to recommend where to buy it:

“I am building a N Scale layout and want to use nickel silver flex track because I’ve been told that it is easier to maintain than brass. Can someone say where I can buy nickel silver flex track for a reasonable price?”

2 Responses to Affordable Nickel Silver Flex Track

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Greg, In order, I buy most of my train equipment at (model train stuff) and (trainland train world) and (BLW, Brooklyn locomtive works) all on line. I got some great deals at modeltrainstuff on track and and an atlas layout in N scale and other specialty equipment, and they are very helpful. I have purchased locos from blw and train world. And I actually made the trip to trainworld/land in brooklyn, its good but not worth the trip if you call them they are very helpful. blw is in New Jersey, and they have great communication.
    The most on line visual items is with modeltrainstuff. I also get Walters monthly sale magazine and they have some great sales on N scale from loco’s to cars to turntables and roundhouses, buildings etc, if you are patient it all eventually goes on sale and you can get some great buys go to their web site and request the sale catalogs. You can also get some great buys on ebay but you have to be careful and know what you are looking for and know your prices. Tony P

  • Larry says:

    I must say that I haven’t seen any brass N scale track.

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