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Reverse Loop

Steve wants someone to give him some tips on wiring a reverse loop and asks readers:

“I am running a DCC layout and have just put in a loop off the main line so that when a train comes out of the loop, its direction is reversed. When the engine comes out of the loop, it dies. Does anyone know how I could wire this reverse loop?”

5 Responses to Reverse Loop

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Steve, This seems to be the killer of all of us. If you are going to keep the “reverse loop” on your lay out you need to get instructions to follow (a picture diagram is worth a 1000 words of instruction) but I will try to explain. As your train comes out of the loop the polarity of the track changes and shorts out the train. You have to “insulate” the loop from the rest of the track and supply power as you enter to that section of track and cut power to that section of track as you exit. You have to do the same with the main line comming in and going out of the loop cut it and turn it back on as the train leaves and comes back on. That sounds confusing but if you see it, it becomes easier. So you have to physically control the power to each track as it enters and leaves. the easy way to get around this if you can or want to is to build an over pass or by pass, of course this changes the whole look of the lay out and you might not have the room. Now if I have completely confused you, go invest in Roberts book or an Atlas layout book that covers this in detail with diagrams. So as you come into the loop both the main and loop track are on as you exit the loop turn loop track off and main line track on so you have to be in contol all the time. When you get good at doing this there will be little delay in the motion of the loco. Tony P

  • Herb Sr says:

    Steve, buy a auto reverser unit from Diditrax, lenz or almost any large DCC company…Your problem is solved,very simple hookup,and it works……laxora

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Steve and Herb, Sorry about that. I am not familiar with DCC yet but I do have dcc and dcc ready loco’s and Herbs suggestions are far more easier but mine work on DC, QUESTION FOR HERB, will that work on DC (the auto reverser)? I keep telling everyone we are all still on that learning curve so keep those answers comming. Maybe its time for me to convert to DCC…..or not. Tony

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks guys.


  • Herb Sr says:

    Tony P, no the DCC systems will not work on Dc….Yes, you need to change to DCC, as the world turns things get way better, the boat is leaving the dock, get on it….Take care pal…Herb SR

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