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The Approaching Cloud Of Steam

Miguel has contributed this touching story of his childhood memories around trains. Thanks for sharing Miguel.

“Early years of my youth, my grandmother used to take me to see the trains in la habana, cuba at a plant that used to be a nestle and hersey chocolate factory located in an area of habana called el cerro; and I remember looking at those big steam locomotives with all the cars.

I used to get so excited and very happy; there was another plant that used to make soap and gel for the mens hair, it was called crusellas, so all these trains were passing by speacialy in the afternoon, from where I used to live. It was maybe half of a mile and we used to go walking. For me at that time it was a great adventure.

I enjoyed the sound of those engines, the sound of the bell, the cloud of the steam, the little by little seeing the locomotive getting power and velocity, pulling all those cars , which I also use to count with my grand mother. It looked like they will never stop and then looking the last car or caboose dissapearing. I would not leave until the last car was gone!

Some times my grand mother used to tell me, “lets go Miguel” and I use to say to my grand mother; god be with her, “please grand mother lets stay a little longer”. My grand mother used to pull me, but I would fight with her because I loved to walk on the tracks.

From that time my passion for trains started. That is why I want to share with those who like this hobby, my grandmother’s name was Margarita. I missed those years. I hope you like my story because it is something very important and beautiful in my life. God bless you all. Miguel. “

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