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Fish & Chips On Scottish Railways

Jim has sent in this amusing story from his childhood days in Scotland:

My parents and I where on our way to a day out at Saltcoats a seaside resort on the west coast of Scotland when my Dad decided he needed to go to the bathroom (after a few beers in the central station bar) well as there was no toilets on a steam train he decided to nip off at Kilmarnock to use the stations toilet and as the train was pulling out of the station I caught the sight of my dad running along the platform (he never caught up with it) and to make matters worse he had all the train tickets in his jacket pocket so me and mum had to sit on a bench in salcoats station as I think the ticket collector must have thought we were a pair of fare dodgers until dad came through on the next loco from Kilmarnock well as it was everything turned out o.k. as we had left home early enough and had a great day out including the famous Scottish high fish tea (fish and chips with a cup of tea and two slices of scottish plain bread). Well thats it. regards Jim

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