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New York Central Days

Bob has sent in these memories of his days on New York Central:

“My Dad was a dining car steward on the NY Central from 1941 to the end (1972 with AMTRAK). Great trips to Niagara Falls/Chicago/Boston/Cincinnati/and Buffalo on the Empire State Express, the New England States, the Ohio State Limited, the Pacemaker, North Shore and Lake Shore Limiteds.

I got to ride in the F-7 Diesels twice for about an hour each time. Great memory when my Dad opened the dining car service door and I leaned on the safety bar and watched three A units pull the New England States up a snowy Berkshire grade in western Mass.

Also, I would visit every station in Chicago to watch the trains while my Dad slept in the hotel for an afternoon layover. Watching the 20th Century Limited back into LaSalle Street Station in Chicago to get passengers for its 5PM departure–I can still see the blue-white light of the drumhead on the observation car (every train should have one!)as it backed toward me. Wandered around Union Station in Cincinnati taking pictures!

A cleaning crew let me hop on a C&O consist as it made a slow trip trough the car wash. Is there anything like a free orangeade in the club car as you did your homework on a winter day. I think not. Thanks, Dad.”

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