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Solving The Problem Of Track Creep and Misalignment
Ray has kindly sent in this model railroading tip to help others:
“One thing might be of some help to new people is fixing track creep and misalignment. I used alot of code 100 flex track to make the curves etc. I glued the track to the cork roadbed with construction glue. I have used this for subfloors to floor joist etc.and it is VERY strong. (I am a residential contractor). Then I learned how to divide the layout into control blocks for my DCC occupancy. When I cut both rails for a major block subdivision, even with the plastic connectors, the curves made the the tracks creep and the result was misalignment. My roadbed is on foam board so tacks don’t hold. I have recently found that “Loc-Tite” construction glue is not ‘flexible’ so should provide a solution. This has been such a problem that in moments of desperation I have considered starting a new layout. “
Ray, don’t give up your layout. I’m sure if “oc-tite doesn’t work, some other experienced model railroader will come to your aid and offer a suggestion or two.
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