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Squadron Putty On Models?
Dick has a question about Squadron Putty and from my experience some people like it and others definitely won’t use it. Some in the hobby also dislike Testor Putty and others seem to prefer using Glazing Putty, Bondo Spot, CA glue, Acryl-Blue Glazing Putty or Epoxy Putty (many obtained from an Auto Store) for filling minor low areas and deeper sanding scratches or for building up areas on a model. I’m sure Dick would like to hear your feedback. Here is his question:
“I’ve seen reference to a product I believe was called ‘squadron putty’, any input as to its effectiveness and where it can be obtained would be helpful. Thank you all.”
Squadron Putty comes in tubes of green or white putty. Squadron white putty shrinks as it dries.
One Response to Squadron Putty On Models?
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I have used the Green Putty on a few vinyl kits in the past and currently on a plastic aicraft carrier. Works well on both materials for me. (Make sure surfaces are clean for a good bond.) Very little experinece to start getting the hang of how to apply it. Use in thin layers though or will take longer to harden. Once it hardens, very easy to file and sand to shape. Very dense, leaves a good smooth surface. (My opinions from my experience.)