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Pennsy 2-10-4 Double Headers

Roger has sent in these great memories of watching Pennsy 2-10-4 double headers hauling hoppers:

The steepest pull in Ohio was from Westville west to St. Paris in Ohio.

In the early 1900’s brakes were poor and thus many wrecks occurred in the eastbound lanes. Westbound there was the long, hard pull up the hill and almost always had two 2-10-4’s on the point pulling about 100 loaded N&W hoppers.

I remember the hard chugging which was at times synchronous and at others not.

When diesels came on the scene you could tell they were coming because the ground would vibrate. Also the soot from diesels would not brush off the car but would smear its blackness into a nasty smear.

I do have one picture of a 2-10-4 on the point with a three-unit (ABA) diesel running second. Sadly I have no photos of the double steamers but the memories persist.

As a side note all the Pennsylvania tracks were removed approximately early 1990’s. The old DT&I (aka Grand Trunk) is still active running from Detroit to Springfield which passing under the Pennsy.

My father operated a grain elevator located on the old DT&I. I think he developed railroading in his blood and passed it on to me.

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