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Trains In Birmingham During WW2

Michael has sent in this story:

My memories of trains are of when I was somewhat younger. I grew in Birmingham, England during the WW2 and to get close to a train was very rare as in England the railroad was fenced off. It was almost inpossible to get close or even see a train. Also, due to the war lads of my age didn’t receive toy trains. In my teens when I could go further afield my friends and I went to an old passenger station were one could see mainly goods trains going straight through with the odd pasenger train on it’s way to New Street Station.

It wasn’t until I came to Canada that I actualy had an electric train set of my own. A friend was cleaning out and came across two train sets, one a CP and the other a CN. Since then I have managed to get a Amtrack train which I hope to convert into a BC pasenger train. Since I came to BC my Trains have been boxed up as I have no place to build a layout yet. I have a system which I used for two trains on a 8’x4′ table but when I get all working again I hope to run four trains by having a separate level below the table.

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