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1880’s Wood Burning 4-4-0 Locomotive and the Royal Hudson 4-6-2

Paul want thoughts and opinions from readers and asks:

“I am presently contemplating beginning work on an HO model train layout. I am interested in two steam locomotives. The first loco is an 1880’s wood burning 4-4-0, similar to the one that pulled the first train into Vancouver in 1886 (#374). The other loco is the Royal Hudson 4-6-2. I also want to keep all my rolling stock within these vintages. I have limited space, so all I may ever do is settle for a static display…but I can always dream. I have contemplated a portable set up. Any help would be appreciated from anyone. Thanks.”

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2 Responses to 1880’s Wood Burning 4-4-0 Locomotive and the Royal Hudson 4-6-2

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Paul, Do you have at least 4’x8′
    space? if you do you can have a nice layout. you can even put hinges on the back side that you can lay it (fold)against a wall when you are done operating it, if useable space is a problem after operating your trains. If you have not bought anything yet you might want to consider N scale. There is so much to offer in N scale and on that same layout you can do a lot more or if it needs to be smaller I have seen great N scale layouts as small as 2’x3′ there are even coffee tables with N scale layouts in them and what a conversation piece. I started with N scale due to space and I am glad I did now I have a lot of space and the possibilites are endless and expanding is what it is in any scale….Great… There are a lot of layout books and ideas in all sacles from “Roberts E book” and “Atlas” and “Model RR magazine”, invest in a few of these to get your own ideas and then go for it. Atlas has layout books that give you the equipment list and directions. I waited for a sale and bought an Atlas package. It had everything in it I needed to complete my layout and of course I added to it. Make a plan and make it work and be flexible as you go. Most of all have fun. Tony P

  • Larry says:

    Just as a side note, as far as I know the only N scale 4-4-0 is Bachmann’s offering. It doesn’t care much for dead frog turnouts because of it’s tender pickup system, the trucks being so close together gives it a rather small wheelbase to work with. Live frogs work better for smaller locos.
    Atlas and MDC (now Athern) have Consolidations and Moguls in N scale for the time period you are looking at, from what I have read they are good running models.
    I started in N scale because of size considerations as well and I also highly recommend it

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