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Catenary Installation on Train Layout
Graham has a question is is hoping an experienced model railroader might help him with:
“I am a new model railroader and need advice on catenary installation. Is it worth installing, does and donts, pitfalls, what to use etc.”
For those who don’t know the catenary is the system of wires suspended above the track, which supply power to electrically powered trains.
Graham, perhaps it might be helpful if you could click on the green comments link and add some more details to your question, as it might help others to supply you with a better quality answer.
2 Responses to Catenary Installation on Train Layout
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Hi Graham, The questions are: are you a perfectionest, real patient, real maticulas ready for a challenge, is it going to really supply the power to the loco thru the pentagraph of the loco, It can be done and if you have the time and the patience you might want to try a small area and see how it goes. Pit falls are good contact between the pentagraph and the wires and maintaining that contact thru operation above and how good you are at soldering all the wires above together very neatly and tight. “IF” it works correctly you will have a real nice layout. Most people use a mock set up and use the power from the tracks, or just abandon the whole idea of over head wireing. It looks just as good with out the headaches. If you decide to go with the mock set up you keep the pentagraph just below the wireing so it does not get hung up in the wireing but gives the appearance of overhead wire use. I have the red and green GG1 in N scale and I love the look even with out the overhead wireing. of course if you are modeling in the larger scales it becomes a little easier. If you are real ambitious go for it and let us know how you make out.
Just to add to my last message, I did some research on line under “Catenary” and they have a lot of info and if you need any thing to build this E-Bay has a lot of items for this type of set up for sale. So if this is what you really want go for it and most of all have fun.