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Grandchildren Enjoy Trains

Walt wants some ideas for an interesting layout and asks readers:

“I have four grandchildren who love trains, but limited space. I would like to make a setup on a four ft by six ft platform. Can anyone give me a suggestion please?”

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3 Responses to Grandchildren Enjoy Trains

  • Tony P says:

    Hi Walt, Go to the comments on this site for Nov.21,2009 under 1800s wood burning see comments of what you need. Tony P

  • Geof says:

    Hi Walt,

    First what scale are you considering for the layout? How old are your grandchildren? Are they going to run it or just watch?

    I only ask these questions because the answers will help you make up your mind on what to do.

    N gauge will provide LOTS of opportunities for fairly complex track plans but the small size may be a problem if the kids are young.

    HO scale is a good bet since it has the largest selection of equipment and buildings out there but because of its size, it too could be a problem with younger children.

    S gauge or O27 gauge is a bit bulkier and can handle fairly rough treatment but the size will limit what you can do for a track plan in a 4 x 6 foot area unless you intend to just have an oval with a few switches. Lionel may be the way to go for the larger scales but the equipment is quite expensive, comparatively speaking.

    Once you’ve determined what scale you want to go into, the track plan is next. If you just want a Christmas tree type oval that just runs trains in a circle all day long then your choice is easy. If, however, you want to be able to switch trains to service industries on sidings or run more complex operations, you can buy books that have track plans in them or even download them for free on the Internet. One thing to remember is that as your track plan becomes more complex, the wiring may become increasingly difficult so keep this mind as you make your selection.

    What kind of equipment do you want to run? Do you (or the grand kids) like steam locos or do they prefer diesel? You can run both but if you’re trying to model a specific period you may have to exclude one or the other unless its the early 50’s you are modeling (a popular choice by the way).

    Finally, one way to make your layout interesting is to envision what type of scenery you want. Mountains and valleys with lots or bridges, bustling cities and industries, winter scenes, the old West, modern or in between? As you can see, there are many ways to go.

    Hope this helps you a little,


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