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HO Engine Speed

Patrick has a question to test readers and asks for help:

“What would cause my HO engine to travel twice as fast in reverse than in forward. If I rotate the engine on the track then it goes twice as fast in forward than it does in reverse?”

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2 Responses to HO Engine Speed

  • Geof says:


    After giving it some thought, it almost sounds like you have a split or slipping worm gear. The damaged gear slips when you go in one direction but is ‘okay’ when traveling in the other because the stress on the gear changes when you reverse the loco’s direction. If you can, remove the engine’s plastic shell and hopefully you’ll be able to see the gear train as it runs. It should be fairly evident to see if the gear is turning smoothly or not. If the gear is damaged you may be able to get a replacement from the manufacturer but the actual repair could be difficult depending on your overall experience.

    Hope this helps,


  • Larry says:

    It sounds like there is a problem with your power pack putting out more juice in one direction than in the other. Try changing it out and see what happens.

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