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Layout And Train Inventory Software

Billy has an interesting question some reader might like to help him with:

“Dear Model Railroaders: I have a 1952 Marklin HO train set that I got from Germany with my Dad when I was 15 years old. It still runs! I now have two grandsons who are now interested in trains too. I need your help if you can do it. I purchased Mr. Anderson’s e-book and it is great along with all the helpful e-mail updates. I am now interested in HO layouts and train inventory control software. I would like a good Marklin “M” solid third rail track layout software to document the complicated layouts I have used, and also a software program to keep track of all my various track, catenary, trains, and accessories so I can document them for the benefit of the next owners. Ideally, if I could get both in one program that would be perfect. If you can assist me in this I would be most appreciative. I have looked on the various web sites I have stumbled across in Google and I just can’t find what I need. Thank you in advance for you time and help if you can.”

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8 Responses to Layout And Train Inventory Software

  • FIre Ken says:

    You don’t say if you’re using a PC with Windows or a Mac. Inventory software that I’ve used, is “All Aboard Data Express” from Tayden Design. http://www.tayden.com/AllAboardDataExpress.htm. I’ve never seen a design software program combined with inventory (in the USA). There are a couple inventory and layout programs available for Mac, but they appear to be pretty lame!
    I’ll be watching for others to post on this topic, too!

  • Leighton Hill says:

    I don’t know if such software exists and have been thinking about creating my own – I have 20 years experience of build business databases so I should be capable. I would be happy to listen to peoples need and put together a specification. Next stage would be to build the application and have it tested. I would make it open source and with a open source license.
    Such data would be very useful for families dealing with the estate of a railway model enthusiast. Unless the family are also enthusiasts they may not appreciate the value and collections can be disposed of at a fraction of their value.

  • Leighton Hill says:

    I don’t know if such software exists and have been thinking about creating my own – I have 20 years experience of build business databases so I should be capable. I would be happy to listen to peoples need and put together a specification. Next stage would be to build the application and have it tested. I would make it open source and with a open source license.
    Such data would be very useful for families dealing with the estate of a railway model enthusiast. Unless the family are also enthusiasts they may not appreciate the value and collections can be disposed of at a fraction of their value.

  • Geof says:


    There are a number of inventory software programs available on eBay, most are quite inexpensive but well designed. You may want to look there initially. You can sign on as a ‘Guest’ to check out what is available and determine what best suits your needs.
    As far as your other question regarding Marklin layout design(s), I can’t think of anything aside from going to the (or a) Marklin web page assuming they still exist.

    The US company Atlas (that makes HO & N gauge track among other things) has a FREE downloadable track design software package you might want to try. It is kinda klunky but you can’t beat the price! Go here – http://www.atlasrr.com

    Hope this helps,


  • Billy Dilworth says:

    Fire Ken: I am using a PC with Windows XP. Thank you for the information and I will be sure to check it out. I may have to design my own inventory package on a spreadsheet. More work, but it will suffice. Once again, thanks for the timely response.


  • Billy Dilworth says:

    Leighton Hill: Thank you for your input. I agree that a good inventory software package is similar to a will of your train. Most relatives don’t have a clue about what it is or its worth. I have started a format for Marklin in it’s early stages and would be happy to send it to you if you desire. It would be a disc from a XP Excel spreadsheet. Thanks again for talking about a subject that I think all of us should think about in the long run.


    [email protected]

  • Billy Dilworth says:

    Geof: I received your comments and thank you for them. I will contact both e-bay and Atlas to see exactly what they have, “klunky” or not. Really good leads and maybe others will see this and use it also. Thanks again for the help!


  • FIre Ken says:

    Billy, there are two major CAD programs advertised in the hobby press. I’ve tested both and the learning curve is STEEP. If you decide to buy, be sure to buy the manual as well. Both are heavily featured CAD programs.
    Leighton: If you decide to design an inventory software (I’d love to get one for Mac) here are some suggestions for fields:
    1. Reporting marks ID
    2. Basic acquisition data, time, place, cost, etc.
    3. embed a photo of the item.
    4. ability to categorize cars, structures, locos, etc.
    5. check boxes for maintenance items.
    6. ability to generate a tickler when maintenance is due.
    7. ability to generate consist lists.
    8. ability to generate complete inventory list for insurance.
    If you want to discuss further, feel free to e-mail me, [email protected].

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