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Mixing Steam Trains With Diesels
Geoff asks readers for advice on selecting an era to model and about mixing steam and diesel on the same layout. I’m sure some you experienced model railroaders will have some thoughts on the matter to guide Geoff:
“I am new to this hobby and cannot make up my mind as to which era I’d like, my leaning is more toward the steam era but I also like the diesel and electric. Would it look wrong if I were to combine all or should I run them separately at different times? Also if I had The Flying Scotsman, The Golden Arrow and The Mallard together would they be OK running side by side? I hope that you understand what I am trying to say. Please could your readers give me any advice relating to the eras of the trains?”
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3 Responses to Mixing Steam Trains With Diesels
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Hi Geoff, I am not sure of the actual transition years but they are there. If you want to model an exact era where both were plentiful you will have to do some careful research. As for me while I like authenticity of what I have I dont care what era it is from, if it looks good to me I buy it (if it is in my price range) and I run it on my layout. So I go from steam and all that goes with that and diesel and all that goes with that intermingled and I also love the GG1 red and green with the pentagraph all electric loc. So it is really up to you and how exact you want to be. But remember if you want to be exact you will mostly have to stick to the transitional years. Which by the way is pretty good. I think if you do the research you will find your exact answers on line. Key in locos transition fr steam to diesel. Tony P
Geoff, read on the history of railroads. You find the the best era is the late 40’s thru the late 50’s.It was the time I call the transition period. It was a time when steam was being fased out, and diesel was being used as main movtive power. I got several diesals and one steam engine now , but expanding soon to more steam engines. Good luck on building your empire, and one rule to go by in railroading. Know the history.
The transition actually began in the late 30’s but didn’t get started real well until after WW2. By 1960 most roads had dieselized, but there were a few exceptions. The Norfolk and Western ran steam into the late 60s and had what I consider the most beautiful steam locomotive ever made in their J class.
In the end, it’s your railroad and you can run whatever you like. If nothing else, mainline steam still makes an appearance today in the form of excursion trains.