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State Your Scale When Submitting Model Train Questions

Here is a good suggestion from a regular reader who does his best to help others in the hobby. I fully understand his frustration as he wants to provide quality answers that will genuinely help others in the hobby. Here is what he has to say:

“Can you ask the people that submit questions to mention their scale? I have often responded with help/suggestions to many of the questions I see here but without knowing the questioner’s scale it’s counterproductive to the accuracy of my response. I know you have (from time to time) asked for clearer questions on this blog but the message isn’t getting through.

Maybe you should reject any questions out of hand that don’t provide this info (when appropriate). Again, maybe a statement saying that no questions will be posted unless the scale is provided would help this a bit.”

In response to the suggestion Robert replies:

I will add this suggestion to the submit questions link at the bottom of each page.

If you as a reader are going to submit a question please provide as much relevant information as you can.

Here are some tips if you want a good answer:

1. Add as much relevant supportive information to your question as you can. Include details of the scale, operating system, solutions you have already tried, brand & model numbers etc. Remember, the person attempting to give you a good answer is not a mind reader.

2. Don’t ramble. Good questions often get lost.

3. Don’t make your question too short, or too general. For example don’t just say “I am building a layout and want your advice.” We get hundreds of questions like that and they don’t generally get published.

4. Use proper sentence structure, use spell check and don’t use ALL CAPS as questions will not be published.

5. Address your questions to others in the hobby as they will be the ones answering your question.

6. Remember to thank anyone who answers a question. They do not get paid for doing this and they do it because they genuinely care and want to help.

7. Use the green comments link under your posting to add addition information when requested.

8. Submit answers to help others. Don’t expect people to answer your question without contributing your help with other questions. If you can help someone else, then please do so.

We already reject a lot of questions and we don’t want to be unreasonable, but as the reader said “the message is not getting through.” We will start rejecting more questions if necessary.

And remember, if you have skills and experience in the hobby, then please take part in discussions. Please don’t just sit there reading what others have to say – GET INVOLVED!

Use the green Comments link below each posting to participate in discussions.

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