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Kato HO Track Stabilization On Plywood
Ray has sent in these photos and a question or two to test reader’s knowledge:
I have Kato HO track on my train layout which is on plywood with a 30% directly on the plywood while 70% is on Styrofoam, plaster covered risers. I would like to secure at least key places from movement. I would rather not use track nails. Can someone advise please.
Should I drill a small hole through the reinforced plastic and placing small screws into the plywood on some key curves in order to keep the firmness?
If I needed to further secure the track on the inclines should I use small amounts of hot glue or does anyone have any other suggestions?
I would like to avoid having the permanency of nails (easier to remove screws) and also avoid continuous glue around the entire track bed – just secure enough for good traction and prevent derailments from up / down movement. Thus far I have placed a little hot glue in a few spots to prevent the shifting and I have almost completed my troubleshooting so my train does not derail or uncouple going around curves and up and down the grades.
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