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22 1/2 Radius Curves and Truck Mounted Couplers

Ned is hoping someone with experience in the hobby will help him and asks:

“I’m working on passenger car kits of 85′ streamliners. Unfortunately, my layout has 22 1/2 radius curves. I understand truck mounted couplers can lead to derailments. Is there a body mounted coupler that will do the trick? If the truck mounted coupler is my best bet, which one should I use? It’s for a Union Station kit.”

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One Response to 22 1/2 Radius Curves and Truck Mounted Couplers

  • terri says:


    I assume you are using HO equipment. If so, 22″ radius curves should be no problem at all with the rolling stock you’re building.

    Actually, I think body mounted couplers on longer cars (like passenger cars) would be more apt to derail than truck mounted types simply because the coupler is in a ‘fixed’ position on the body whereas a truck mounted coupler can ‘turn’ with the curve.

    By the way, truck mounted couplers are called Talgo style trucks and they aren’t as bad as some would have you believe. The usual cause of derailments is poorly laid track and/or cars that are too light. Also, the derailments that do occur (and this is with all coupler types) are usually when the equipment is being run or pushed in reverse.

    Hope this helps.


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