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Cleaning Loco Wheels – Peco Lube pl-64 – Grime and Track Dirt

John has a question on cleaning locomotive wheels and asks:

“Could a reader please tell me, what is the best way to clean loco wheels, both diesel, and steam? Also Peco advise that you use their power lube pl-64 on the track after cleaning. Would this not attract dirt and grime to the track?”

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2 Responses to Cleaning Loco Wheels – Peco Lube pl-64 – Grime and Track Dirt

  • Alan says:

    This is how I do it; I take the engine and turn it upside down and power up the wheels, then I take my dremel tool with a stainless steel soft brush an gently run it on the tread of the engine wheels while all are spinning. I have my dremel usually on medium speed— On the unpowered wheels I hold the engine in my hand and place my thumb on the other wheel (SAME AXEL) and alow the wheel to slowly slip while cleanning the oposite side. I have been doing this with no ill effect on the wheels and when IM done the wheels shine like brand new
    The only bad thing is you have to be careful about is hitting the wheel trucks as it may dull the finish on them Good Luck AlanC.

  • Larry says:

    Wet a piece of paper towel with 90% rubbing alcohol. Place the towel over a piece of powered track, leaving about half of the track piece uncovered. Put the loco on the track, half of the pickup wheels on the paper towel and half off. Turn the power up while holding the loco in place, the spinning wheels will wipe themselves off on the paper towel and remove any crud. Turn the loco around and repeat with the other half of the pickup wheels.
    For unpowered (tender) wheels just run them back and forth a couple of times on the paper towel.

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