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DCC Conversion

Fred has a question for those who have already converted to DCC and asks:

“My HO track setup was huge project for me, being a first time model railroader. It is a C shaped setup that is 8′ x 12′ with a 4′ x 4′ square cut out in the middle where the control board is located. I forget how many feet of track there is, but it consists of four separate power systems that are all connected so I can run a train off one system on to another system.

There is also an elevated track looping around the entire setup. The control board I designed myself and is extensive. There are the four transformers for the four separate systems, and then another four transformers to power all the switches and lights (the lighting system is very extensive and requires a lot of power).

My question is what is involved in switching to DCC? I have so much work as well as money invested in what I have now but I read about the things that you can do with DCC that it makes me really interested in making the switch. But I know nothing about it and what I have to do to make that switch. How much of my control board can I use and what needs to be removed and replaced? I know the answer would be pretty involved, but I’ll take whatever advice anybody can contribute to this question.”

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