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Glue Roadbed Rock

It is good to hear so many are returning to the hobby. I’m sure this blog will be a big help.

John ask:

“I am going back to model RRing after over 30 yrs and putting the rock down for the tracks has been time wasting. I thought about doing this. Take clear packing tape, sticky side up, then place the flex track in the center of the tape. Once the track is secure, then put the roadbed rock down on the tape. I have not tried it as it, due to moving, but has anyone else tried this? Glue would then not be necessary.”

John, there is some good advice on track ballasting in the model train help ebook.

N Scale Model Train Layout

2 Responses to Glue Roadbed Rock

  • Geof says:


    Without giving it a lot of thought, it sounds like a fairly good idea to me. The only ‘negatives’ I can think of is a) you couldn’t do this under a switch since the tape would prevent the points from throwing smoothly (if at all) and b) the ballast wouldn’t have a realistic thickness in appearance and the ballast outside edges would be too uniform or straight.

    Geof from the US

  • Bruce says:

    You would have the problem of the ballast not being secured down well enough. And as a result your locos would suck up the ballast into the running gear.

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