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John has a comment/question about a computer controlled programmer:
“Hello all has anyone heard of a DCC system made in the UK called SPROG II 1.5 amps. It can be used with JMIR software. You can program your loco’s from your desktop pc. It’s like a portable programmer. It has enough power to program sound decoders also. There are only a few hobby shops selling it right now in the USA.”

Readers can comment below.

A reminder to readers: My two new model train ebooks are now available at http://www.model-train-layouts.net/ . They are a follow-on from my “best-selling” Model Train Help ebook.

3 Responses to SPROG II DCC System

  • Anonymous says:

    This is an awsome investment – IMHO – i run Roco DCC system and the SPROG allows the simplest and most complete way for me to program my locos using a SPROG an JRMI interface. Even pesky blue line locos are a little easier to do.

    It gives full CV readback and stores all you loco information in a database so you can see what value each CV has for each loco in your roster.

    Should you wish to run a layout with the SPROG then consider a Bachmann pass through booster for 5 amps or even CVP USA’s Zone master booster for a whopping 7amps of power.

    Ultimately it’s JRMI that makes the SPROIG so handy, with out it it’s just a small low power DCC command system with no controller.

    Hopefully this convinces you that it is almost invaluable for programming locos.

  • Rance Thompson says:

    I have used a Sprog II for years for programming my engines. I use it in conjunction with JMRI. Take a 2 foot piece of track, connect the Sprog to it with alligator clips, and you can sit at your computer and program the engine. It’s a lot easier than using your handheld punching in CV”s one at a time.

  • Anonymous says:

    Thanks for your input! You seem to be very satisfied with this product and that’s what I was looking for. I’m ordering one today.
    Thank’s again

    John from Missoui, USA

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