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Online Train Club Going From Strength To Strength More Than 1 Year On
Its been over a year since I stuck my neck out and started my own “members only” online model train club. Unfortunately a lot of people were quick to knock a new idea, but I persisted and the reaction from my loyal growing number of members has been very encouraging. Many current members have been with the club since it started and are now accessing Level 14 content, as each member gets upgraded each month.
For those who don’t know how it works. All new members start at Level 1 and get access to more and more content each month. It is like having 24/7 access to a giant resource library.
Starting the club was a big investment and huge risk for me, and it takes a massive amount of time continually adding new tutorials and articles etc each month. It has also been an expensive and complex technical job (something I can’t do myself), keeping the website fully operational 24/7. I would be lost without the techies behind the scenes making it all work.
As well as the longtime loyal members, there are lots of new members coming on board each month. The positive feedback from members has made it all worth while. I really appreciate the support and encouragement. Thank you.
To join the club go to http://www.modeltrainclub.org/club.html
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