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Benefits Of Using Model Train Turntables

model train turntablesIf you are looking for the perfect model railroad, how about including a model train turntable. Turntables not only bring in the visual perfection to your railroad, but it also offers excellent functionality. Make sure that your model train turntable operates from DCC throttle and the gear drive is motorized to ensure smoother operation and the mounting table should be included with the package. Adding model train turntables to your railroad can give you unlimited route possibilities in many ways you never imaged!

2 Responses to Benefits Of Using Model Train Turntables

  • Guillermo Patterson says:

    With an operating turntable you multiply the operation possibilities, specially with the steamers,
    I have had problems with the motor, because I found it very noisy.

    • Rick Morgan says:

      I have an Atlas turntable and almost abandoned it because of the noise. Then I tried running at a reduced voltage ( 4.5 vs 12) and the noise problem was reduced significantly

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