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Power For 10 or 15 Locomotives – 8 amp or 5 amp?

Graeme wants advise from other in the hobby.

“I am rejoining the hobby and looking to buy a DCC controller. I am currently setting up n scale modules, so they can keep expanding, with intention of computer interface to operate some of the trains while I do the shunts / specials etc. In total I plan for about 10 – 15 loco’s, and I was going to buy a 8 amp unit but have been told recently it might damage to locos and that I should keep to a 5 amp maximum. Does anyone have any experience / advice regards this?”

Add your comments or advice to Graeme’s post.

One Response to Power For 10 or 15 Locomotives – 8 amp or 5 amp?

  • Joe says:

    First of all, the rating of 5 amp or 8 amp tells how much the power pack is Capable of, not how much it puts out. An 8 amp power pack shouldn’t damage any locos any more than a 5 amp power pack would damage one loco. The amount of current flowing from the power pack depends on the number of trains running.
    If each engine draws 1/2 amp, then 10 engines would draw 5 amps. Thus a 5 amp power pack would be enough for 10 engines running at the same time. I’m not sure how much a typical N gauge engine draws.
    Look for information in the papers with the loco on how much current they draw. Or, you might want to get an ammeter to see what it really is.
    Don’t forget to include anything else connected to track power.

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