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Designing a Double-Ended Yard

A double yard has both ends connected to the main track. This is accomplished with a ladder that guides the train onto one of the many tracks in the yard. The components of an ideal yard should include a runaround track, one arriving and one departing track, thoroughfare that connects ladders in a yard, classification tracks and drill track. The following points must be followed.

  1. Do not block the main line. Limit your turnouts to two to achieve this.
  2. A runaround track is a must.
  3. The switch leads of the yard and track must be separate.
  4. Use a wye track for turnings.
  5. Do not pack the yard with trains.

One Response to Designing a Double-Ended Yard

  • fred pride says:

    i enjoy yards in model railroading they are great to store locos and wagons and i reckon they always look good

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