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Model Railroad Waybill System – Should You Operate One?

The sole purpose of real life railway networks is to transport people and goods from place to place but most model trains simply circuit on a loop. If you are a purist, consider adding a model railroad waybill system to your network. A waybill system is used to identify the coach, its transport time and stops. You can use ready-made or custom made waybill systems to operate your railroad network like railroads did in the past before the age of computerization.

One Response to Model Railroad Waybill System – Should You Operate One?

  • Don Jennings says:

    A way bill system is a great way to run your railroad layout or operate on anyone else’s.

    I really prefer to use a switch list. Many model railroaders may not be familiar with your layout location, town names or the industries along the way.

    A switch list starts off with the consist of car with names and numbers. It then goes to tell the operator what car(s) get dropped off at each industrial siding. Then and lastly what cars the train and it’s engineer will have after all the switching is accomplished.

    One thing to remember with switching or shunting of cars PULL BEFORE YOU PUT. Simply put means,== go get the car(s) in the industrial siding(s) before the operator places a new/ different car there. I find this system is better even for experienced railroaders and modelers. This is my story and I am sticking to it AS a PS ==
    I live in the Raleigh, NC area USA of course!!!

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