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Quartering Steam Loco Drivers

quartering steam locomotivesRobert Morey sent in this contribution to share:

You need one sheet of thin plastic a bit longer than your main driver wheelbase.

1. Draw a line and mark out the positions of the driving wheel axles.

2. Draw lines through each axle position perpendicular to the first line.

3. Drill holes the same diameter as the driving wheel axles.

4. Cut along the first line so that you have two pieces of plastic with semicircular holes.

5. Slip each piece of plastic between the wheels and frame on opposite sides to each other so that the driving axles fit into the slots on each piece of plastic.

Align the crank pin positions on one side of the loco with the edge of the plastic that has the slots. The crankpins on the other side of the loco should line up with the lines drawn perpendicular to the cut edge through the slots if they are correctly quartered.

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