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Special Train Ride

Bob sent in these train memories to share:

“During the summer between my freshman and sophomore years in high school I was selected to attend a camp in NC by a national organization which shall remain nameless. I traveled by train from Tampa to NC with a layover in Jacksonville to pick up the Pullmans and to meet up with other campers from other parts of Florida. The berths were prepared and off to to bed we went. We pulled into Savanah and I asked the girl below me if she knew where we were, what was going on, and she invited me to join her so I could see for myself. I know she had no idea what she had done. After some minutes we pulled out of the station and one thing led to another. There is much to be said about the romance of the rails, even though it can’t be said here. But I’m 72 years old and haven’t forgotten it yet.”

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