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New Videos Show How Club Operates

model train club video

Watch the 3 New Video Tours of the Club

It is January 2013 and this is the beginning of the third year for the Online Model Train Club. Many members have belonged since it got started, and they will have seen numerous improvements over that time. New content and resources are being added each month, which explains why the club is becoming increasingly popular.

The three new videos show a look inside the online club (as seen by members).

>> Video #1 is a member tour of Level #1

>> Video #2 is a Level 2 member tour

>> Video #3 is a member tour of Level #3

Some club members are very experienced in the hobby and happily share ideas with other club members through postings inside the club.

As one member put it, “I like to help others where I can, and this is a great way of doing it.”

Click here to watch the Train Club Tours.

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