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Everything on model trains, model railroads, model railways, locomotives, model train layouts, scenery, wiring, DCC and more. Enjoy the world's best hobby... model railroading!
You might try Model Train Stuff or Brooklyn Locomotive Works online, as they may have a black NS loco with the white horse logo. If you dont see what you want, try writing to them.
You can check out railpictures.net
there should be quite a few proto types
else I have a NS GP50 with the NS Herald
I really like the Walthers/P2K NS GP60s: 7123, 7131, 7138, 7146.
Athearn makes the following RTR NS locos in horse head livery; along with some NS GP60s (if you can work with Blue Box locos), but the detail and workmanship on the P2K GP60s is far superior.
I’ve had good luck finding them on ebay (really!).
ATH 88569/NS 3819 (2009)
ATH 88570/NS 3812 (2009)
ATH98238/NS 3339 (2013)
ATH98239/NS 3375 (2013)
ATH98240/NS 3460 (2013)
ATH95251/NS 3348 (2008)
ATH95250/NS 3340 (2008)
ATH95249/NS 3365 (2008)
ATH78804/NS 6708 (2008)
ATH78805/NS 6709 (2008)
ATH78806/NS 6714 (2008)
ATH78918/NS 5268 (2008)
ATH80183/NS 5287 (2008)
ATH78919/NS 5310 (2008)
ATH80184/NS 5325 (2006)
ATH 7996/NS 5312 (2004)
ATH 7997/NS 5575 (2004)
ATH 8012/NS 5340 (2003)
ATH89765/NS 3016 (2010)
ATH89766/NS 3021 (2010)
ATH89707/NS 3037 (2009)
ATH89708/NS 3058 (2009)
ATH79845/NS 3028 (2005)
ATH79846/NS 3028 (2005)