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Train Room Sign

As a follow-up to the earlier video about handling criticism about your railroad, Don sent in details of what’s on the sign he has in his train room. Add your comment to this post.

train room sign

8 Responses to Train Room Sign

  • Teng Khoo says:

    Hurray!!! Good to call a spade a spade. THAT is the very heart and soul and spirit of the world’s greatest hobby. Let’s ALL just carry on enjoying our life as we should. Thanks for your encouragement. Melbourne. Australia.

  • lindsay odell says:

    that is how it should be i am building it for me if you dont like it you can sod-off

    good for you and i like it

  • Perry Doig says:

    Great. Hope you don’t mind but I’m going to post it in my train room. Don’t let the door hit you on the way out!
    Ontario Canada

  • milton robinson says:

    Rule #6. If you don’t like it, refer to rule #1.

  • Steve Lindhurst says:

    Bravo Zulu!!! Fantastic! I love it! Way to go! If it’s okay I would love to duplicate it and post it in MY train house!
    Milton Robinson I’d also like to plagiarize Your comment, too, and add it to the sign that I wish to plagiarize from Don!!!

  • Guillermo from the Patagonia Argentina says:

    Very nice and clear. I´ll translate it and print a copy and hang it in the door of my layout room.

  • Robert Byerly says:

    I couldn’t agree more. I started my railroad with that attitude and thats way I will finish it.

    “Who’s railroad is it anyway”?

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