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POLL RESULTS: Did you make any new years resolutions, or set goals for the coming year relating to model railroading?

346 people voted in our recent poll which asked: Did you make any new years resolutions, or set goals for the coming year relating to model railroading?

The results were as follows:

–> YES – I decided to finish a project I started (16%, 56 Votes)
–> YES – I decided to start a new project (9%, 32 Votes)
–> YES – I decided to fix a problem that has been annoying me (7%, 24 Votes)
–> YES – I decided to increase my general knowledge of the hobby (6%, 22 Votes)
–> YES – I decided to expand my layout (6%, 21 Votes)
–> Yes – I decided to increase my understanding of DCC (6%, 20 Votes)
–> YES – I decided to buy new trains, structures, or accessories (5%, 18 Votes)
–> YES – I decided to clean my layout (4%, 13 Votes)
–> No – I made no specific resolutions relating to the hobby (32%, 109 Votes)
–> Unfortunately I don’t have a layout yet (9%, 31 Votes)

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