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Sound In a Boxcar

Ron asks readers:

“To put sound in an N scale boxcar I’m told I need a 50′ box with metal wells and a truck with a metal frame for the electrical pickup. Where might I find such a thing or what should I ask for?”

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3 Responses to Sound In a Boxcar

  • Jay says:

    I doubt that you will find N scale trucks with metal frames easily. It may be easier to find copper/bronze wipers that you can put onto the trucks. These would provide contact from the axles to the interior of the box car by feeding wires from the wipers through the bottom of the car. The wheels would have to be metal, and one wheel on each axle must not be insulated from the axle. One truck will pick up right rail, and the other left rail. You may need extra weight (if you have room) in the car to insure good electrical pickup, if the car is too light, that could be a problem. Here is a link for the wipers:

  • James Helvey says:

    The link mentioned above also sells complete kits for N scale sound equipped boxcars including all hardware, your choice of sound card and speaker(s). I’ve dealt with them and they’re very helpful. Feel free to call them if you want more info. They also do custom sound installations in locomotives.

  • Skip says:

    I just learned about this the day about box car from ATHERARN products that has sound and u can adjust the sound for louder or lower that is HO but Im sure they have it in N SCALE.

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