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Planning Your Dream Layout From Start To Finish

There are plenty of things to consider when planning and building a model railroad layout and it pays to take your time considering the numerous options and possibilities before getting too advanced with your project. In fact it’s usually best to begin with the end in mind by visualizing what you want your finished layout to be like before you get started with anything.

That’s not to say you shouldn’t be flexible throughout the construction process… you should! After all, you might discover a better way of doing things, or think of a great addition that could make your layout even better. You might even decide to eliminate a facet of your layout that isn’t really contributing to the overall design or operation.

I liken the planning and building of a layout to a long railroad journey. You start at Station A with the intention of arriving at your destination Station B (which represents the ultimate layout you dreamed of having).

planning a layout

Now along the way you can take different routes, or pause on a siding for a while, but the end goal should always be to get to Station B.

If on your journey you get diverted and decide to head in a different direction, then that’s okay as long as you eventually end up at Station B (your ultimate layout). What you don’t want to do is suddenly head in a different direction and never actually reach your ultimate goal (Station B).

If you want time out from your project then pause your journey on a siding for as long as you need, before recommencing your journey to Station B.

If you do decide to take a completely different route such as changing scales, then that’s okay (because it’s your layout and you get to decide), but you will need to accept you’ll likely arrive at a different destination (Station C). So, don’t be disappointed if you never actually get to where you originally intended. You might be happy with a different destination, because your ideas and goals may have completely changed. The decisions you make are entirely over to you. You’ll eventually end up somewhere, and as long as you enjoyed the journey, well that’s what really matters.

Planning and building a layout will require compromises along the way, so it’s not a bad idea to write down and prioritize what you really want (and what you could do without). Ruling up three columns on a sheet of paper like this is a good idea.

layout planning

So many things can influence how a layout looks and operates. That’s why it makes sense to draw up a list of things to consider such as: benchwork designs, control systems, operating schemes, and scenic features. Include any other special wants, likes, dislikes, or desires such as “must be child-friendly,” “plenty of tunnels,” “lots of switching.” These are all worthy goals to consider at the planning stage.

I guess what I am saying is this:

–> Building a layout requires careful planning from start to finish

–> Begin with the end in mind

–> Although you will need a disciplined approach to keep on track, you may need to compromise on some ideas in order to get where you want to go. Time, budget, space, and your skill levels will affect what can be achieved.

–> Apply some flexibility to adapt and improve along the way. Be prepared to take different routes if necessary to get you to the same destination. There will be many options available, and multiple ways to get you where you want to go. You might not be able to alter the key elements of your layout plan, but that shouldn’t stop you from being creative in the way you work within the constraints you have. You may need to frequently revisit your list of priorities as you proceed along the journey.

–> If you want to throw the rule book out the window then that’s your choice. It’s your layout so do what you want to do.

–> Most importantly…. have fun along the journey!

Click here for more ideas on planning your dream layout.

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One Response to Planning Your Dream Layout From Start To Finish

  • Bob E says:

    I’m building my first real layout, in N-scale. I am not a goal setter…I cannot envision what the final will look like, let alone even the tunnel I’m starting. I know it’s probably going to look weird when finished, yet I am doing the best I can considering my lack of forward vision. Anyway, it’s my railroad, and if my grades are unrealistically steep, if the mountain is not colored right, or if my town is laid out stupidly, then that’s what I’ll have. And it’ll be a world that I created, one step at a time.

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