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Can you Run a HO Train on HOn3 Rail?

Guy asks readers:

“Is there any difference in the track gauge? How much difference? Can you run a HO train on HNO3 rail and vice versa? Thank you.”

3 Responses to Can you Run a HO Train on HOn3 Rail?

  • james cowdroy says:

    I think you mean HOn3, and yes you can run Ho scale trains on this track as long as the width or gauge of your wheels are 10 mm apart.

    So your problem is that you are getting the Ho scale 1foot to 3.5 mm With gauge which is the inside width of your track so Ho = 16.5 mm between rails Hon3.5 which I use is 12 mm between rails and your HOn3 which is 10mm between rails

    This may look like a mess but I hope it helps.

  • |Frank says:

    The answer is No.

    “HO” means 1/87th, the overall scale of the models.
    Normal HO track is 16.5mm representing standard gauge of 4 ft 8 1/2 in
    “n” means narrow gauge.
    “3” means that the prototype track is 3 feet gauge.
    So HOn3 track is narrower than normal HO.

    To a great extent, for each model scale, the regular gauge track works as a narrow gauge track for the next scale up.

    See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rail_transport_modelling_scales

  • john Sisson says:

    I bought a HOn3 2-6-0 I thought I could run it on the ho gage track that I have.But Im thinking now that there is no way except to shorten the width of the wheels.I cant do this so I think I cannot run the HOn3 on ho gage track..right

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