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Johnson Bar Locomotive

Charlie asks readers:

“I stumbled across this phrase ‘Johnson Bar’ in one of my train books could someone please tell me what it is. Thanks a lot.”

3 Responses to Johnson Bar Locomotive

  • Abdul-Muhaimin says:

    Good day sir

    The answer to your question is the Johnson bar is the big iron bar that connects the steam cylinders to the wheels and transfir that energy in an artriculation motion the make the wheels turn .And this is only found on a steam train.

    Hope this explains it

    Kind regads

  • Robert Morey says:

    This is another name for the reversing lever, it sets the cut off (controls the percentage of the piston stroke that steam is admitted from the regulator valve and also the direction of travel.) See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johnson_Bar_(locomotive)

  • Bill says:

    The first answer is incorrect.. Those are called side rods…. The Johnson bar is a control bar in the Johnson steam reverser. It moves the cut off eccentric up or down to set the direction. Some railroads in the early days also referred the trailing bar between the engine and tender as the Johnson bar. Not really its name.

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