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Why Do DCC Bachmann Locomotives Run In Wrong Direction?

Duane asks readers:

“I have Bachmann 2 DCC steam locomotives of the same kind. One of them started moving in the wrong direction. I was using a magnet (which is under the track) that came with the Bachmann train system track to uncouple the rolling stock. While, I was in the process of doing so the train was backing up. Then, it goes in the forward direction on its own and stopped working. Did the decoder die? The warranty is no longer good can this be fixed? ”


5 Responses to Why Do DCC Bachmann Locomotives Run In Wrong Direction?

  • Russ says:

    I doubt the uncoupling magnet caused your problem. I would guess the dcc decoder failed in some way. You did not say if your loco is HO or N, sound or no sound. Did any other functions on the de order work, lights, etc.? I have HO locks by bachmann that I installed sound dcc decoders in. Some of the Baumann installed wiring is precariously installed and could gotten caught in the gearing or somewhere. If you are in HO this is relatively easy. I would strip the unit down and do a good cleaning checking each contact point and insuring the motor is working okay. If the decoder has shorted, you most likely will be able to tell by looking at it. Usually something is melted. If you have N scale, all this can be done,but is complicated by size of everything. Good luck!

  • joe strawn says:

    try using your cv’s to change polarity for changing direction

  • Newman Atkinson says:

    Duane, Go to the Factory Reset and it will take it back to your factory settings you most likely got it in. It will also take it back to the o3 address that most engines come set on. It should work again if it was a Decoder CV setting affected.
    Yes an under track magnet can and will mess with your engines. I have had a better engine mess up several times as it went over the magnet. In fact as it did it messed with the sounds as it went over the magnet. So I finally removed the magnet and put roadbed in it’s place. Most times I had to go back to factory settings using CV-8 to 008.
    Depending where the circuit card is in the engine it can mess with your chip. The engine that it messed with mine was a good paragon Engine F-7. So yes it will play havick with your engines. Some can be easily affected and some may not. I have had other engines cross the magnet without any problems. If you want the magnet to be able to uncouple remove it and rig it so it lowers away from the track until you need it either by a manual lever or the use of a switch machine. That way your engines do not pass so close to it. Uncoupling the engine is not a problem unless your chip is close to the end of the of the engine you might be uncoupling. That is my thoughts and experience. from Newman Atkinson

  • Al says:

    You can the loco back to factory for a fee I think 50.00 or less. They will fix or replace the loco. I have done it a few times and have been pleased with service

  • Rich says:

    May sound daft but have you tried cleaning the wheels & track? I’be had many locos go erratic stop and change direction then “die” needing a thorough clean oblu to restore back to normal. Good luck! Rich.

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