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Model Railroad Shipping Container Junction

shipping containers on model railroadThese days steel shipping containers have a multitude of uses including adapting them to make homes, self-storage units, and even jail cells in some countries. However, they are still mainly used for transporting goods around the globe (by ship) and around the country (truck and rail).

Intermodal containers are a common sight, so fit well into most modern railroad layouts either on flatcars, double-stack container trains, on the back of trucks, stacked up in rail yards, at ports, alongside factories and warehouses, or just stacked up alongside the track as seen in this photo. Fortunately they are cheap and easy to make, and look very authentic if you use these photo realistic downloadable designs.

One Response to Model Railroad Shipping Container Junction

  • Barrie Morgan says:

    The container depot and surrounding scenery looks great! It would be good to include some cranes or mobile lifting infrastructure to indicate how the containers can get stacked as high as they are.

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