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Trolley to Run on Separate Track

Les asks readers:

“I’m setting up a train table. I like to know how to set up a trolley that will run on a separate track. That it will go so far and when it get to the end and it stops and goes back where it came from. Where can I find out about that?

12 Responses to Trolley to Run on Separate Track

  • Newman Atkinson says:

    Les, I believe what I am thinking your project is can be done in DC or DCC
    You only need your track and an isolated track at each end.Each end will be powered for the opposite direction. Your train traveling in one direction will cross into your dead section and you can there by throw a polarity switch that will connect to that end section and the main line and will switch polarity manually to go the other way. it will go to the other end till it crosses the dead section at the other end and so forth. Although I have not done it yet I have thought about it for a future similar idea for me. Under DCC you probably have endless options where you can control a timed stop on each end or enroute and maybe multiple trolleys that will stop for timed stops at platforms or street stops. I have seen it done with an S Scale Chicago Elevated layout traveling into a platform with sounds and announcements and everything at a train show. from Newman.

    • Les says:

      Ok I will look into that. I want it to go automatically that I don’t have to do anything.

      • Newman Atkinson says:

        Les, I also thought of a censor that they put in the center of the track or a or the same that goes across the tracks where the train breaks the beam. It in turn could run a reverse circuit Both Lionel and also an ON3 Snow Village trolley uses a bumper and will give a sudden reverse but that in turn is hard wear on the motor and gear system. A slowing stop, maybe a a pause like for passengers then a reverse direction slowly picking up speed would be a lot easier on the system. Newman

  • Eddie Grosskopff says:

    Hi Les,

    I´m a model railroader from Germany. There are modules available called “Pendelzugsteuerung” that can operate several trains automatically either in DC or DCC mode. Prices range from €20,- and up.
    Wish you a happy railroading


  • Tim Morlok says:

    Hi Les, I have seen several setups like you describe. One was a G scale on a shelf that had some type of reversing switch at each end that I was unable to study due to the height of the shelf. The other was a Halloween display at Michael’s craft store that was about HO scale. The trolley had a plastic plate/skid under one end that activated a plunger type contact switch that was between the rails at each end to reverse the direction. I am not sure what kind circuit the switches activated but I think it was battery powered. I don’t remember the price, but it was not very expensive. You should be able to modify the control circuit to fit your needs for any scale. Good luck with your project. Tim

  • Hugh says:

    I did the same thing I used k-line superstreets and Williams Ez streets it came out great

  • Hugh says:

    Instead of easy streets etc just use them for the cross overs then you can use regular track

  • wayne johnston says:

    gaugemaster supply a kit to do what you want comprising 2 diodes and a control box.I can’t remember how much it is but I do know it works very well and suits all gauges

  • Wayne says:

    On Automatic Reversing for model trains.

    There are dozens of them out there, but the4 one I have used is the DIGITRAX AR1 priced at $29.00 a couple of years ago. There is no limit to the length of track between braking and stopping points.


  • Les says:

    I want to thank you all for your advice. I think I will be going with Wayne’s suggestion for the DIGITRAX AR1. It seams to be the board that will work for me.
    Once again thank you.

  • Wayne says:

    Another one for Les, That last AR! I refered to, I think that is only available with DCCpower from tracks, the one I used had an old train controller attached to it, check with your local DIGITRAX dealer before you buy. there is another ready to attach Simple Shuttle reversing unit from Heathcote Electronics in England for 18.00 Pounds plus p+p of 10 Pound for airfreight. This unit runs on Dc and requires an old train controller and two wires to the far end section. Go to heathcote-electronic.co.uk for info. They also have a range of other Automatic Dc and DCC products.


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