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Wheels Spin But Train Won’t Move?

A very brief question from Daniel who models 027. Hopefully someone can offer him some advice:

“My engine works but wheels just spin and train won’t move.”

7 Responses to Wheels Spin But Train Won’t Move?

  • Robert says:

    If you give more information about the make, diesel or steam, does it use rubber traction tyres etc more help could be forthcoming. Basically the train is too heavy for that loco or there is not enough weight in the loco body. If it is a traction tyre model make sure the tyres are in good condition, sometimes if they are broken the groove they fit in affects the loco drive.

  • Andy says:


    If disconnecting steam engine drive rods and putting on traction tyres seems a bit complicated, there is a product called “Bullfrog Snot” (yes, really), that you paint onto the wheels to give more grip.

    See the FAQ at bullfrogsnot.com/faq.asp

    See a video at youtu.be/NwP_4YQBb5s

    Hope this helps.


  • David Stokes says:

    Yep, traction, or lack of it is caused by a number of issues. Missing or defective traction tyres, if fitted will cause locos to spin their drivers, as will an over heavy train.

    Other factors include lack of weight in the loco and track issues. Has someone dropped lubricating oil on the track – rub the track with a damp clothe impregnated with dish washing liquid and dry it with a paper towel then use the track rubber and wipe it again to clean up the residue. This will take the track back to “out of the box” condition and return the surfaces to its original “traction action”.

    Finally, is the track on the level, or does it incline at all. A light loco loaded with an over full load on a gradient will spin its drivers – just ask a real loco driver (I have one looking over my shoulder as I type this).

    Hope this helps.

  • Martin says:

    Some tenders can lift the loco driving wheels up if set up incorrectly (Hornby Grange for example). Perhaps you are getting power from the tender but the driving wheels are in the air.

  • John says:

    their is a lot things that can cause the wheels to spin and train not go anywhere.
    The only real answer is their is not enough traction for what you are pulling.
    It could be that the weight is out of the engine, too many cars. grease on the track you left the anchor down.
    With out all of the information their is no way to tell you how to fix it. we would have to actually be there to see what the problem is.
    the best way is to have a more experienced train friend to come look at your problem or take the engine to the nearest hobby shop that sells and works on trains. or a train club member could help you.
    If you are only trying to pull 3 or 4 cars with a decent size engine. all of the car wheels are rolling freely the engine runs good all of the wheels are working correctly that is all we can tell you
    the one thing that sticks out in my mind is that some engines come with what is called traction tires, which is merely a rubber band wrapped around the wheel that gives it a lot more pulling power. if that band comes off the engine will suffer. I have seen the old tyco engines with the traction tires missing that could barely pull its self. look at the pulling wheels they should be flat where they set on the rails and if they have groves in them that could be your problem.

  • Ross says:

    My rivarossi engine does that too. Wheels spin and it hardly moves

  • daryl gordon says:

    thanks guy’s Iwill try your ideas and let youall know the results..daryl a new buff.

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