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Should DCC Locomotives Still Work on DC?

Hayden asks readers:

“I have an HO loco fitted with a DCC chip that I couldn’t get to operate on a friends DC setup. Is this normal? Could I damage a DCC loco trying to run it on DC?”

9 Responses to Should DCC Locomotives Still Work on DC?

  • Kevin says:

    Hi Hayden Normally DCC will not run on DC however saying that some of the very latest loco’s will run on both. However be aware that the wrong voltage in the wrong place and you will up for a new Chip and usually sound will not operate on DC Others may have had a different experience. You don’t say if your loco is still running on DCC I presume it is.

  • Frank B says:

    I have several of-the-shelf HO DCC locomotives that automatically run perfectly on DC, complete with most sound effects, because they were designed to run on both.

    I have the impression that most DCC locos (and probably conversion chips ?) are built with this dual capability, so check the original operating manual, or the details on the manufacturer’s website.

    But if not, and if you have sufficient electrical knowledge, it would be possible to fit a DC / DCC change-over switch underneath or inside, taking power direct to the motor, bypassing the DCC circuitry.

    If it was originally a “DCC Ready” DC loco, that then had the DCC chip plugged in, the chip could be removed and replaced by a DC plug-in PCB.

  • Ron Scannell says:

    If the locomotive has a dual mode decoder, set the address to 3 when you want to run on DC, that should work, I think, maybe

  • Ron Hebb says:

    When programming a decoder you have the option of setting it to run on DCC only, or on both DC and DCC. I’m not sure all manufacturers allow this option, but my NCE Powerpro certainly does. Once so programmed no additional adjustment is necessary to run your DCC loco on a DC layout. I suggest you check your system instructions and reprogram your decoder if your system allows it.

  • Gerald McCurry says:

    I have several engines that are D C, but I also have a few that are D C C

  • David Stokes says:

    Mate, the short answer is no, unless your loco is set up with a kill switch to convert it from DCC to DC. If it is, you’re running trains.

  • Train Doctor says:

    Yes you can run “some” DCC engines on regular DC if it has a dual mode decoder.
    Dual mode means that it can be run on DC as well as DCC. Most dual mode sound decoders can still use a lot of the sounds but you will have to have the paperwork to figure all of the sound activation’s. I would not recommend trying to put a switch or bypassing a decoder unless you know what you are doing since just a millisecond of power to the wrong wire can send you to the decoder bank.
    If you set a DCC engine on a track and give it over half power and it does not move then it probably is not a dual mode, it should not hurt a decoder to just test it out that way,,,, although I wouldn’t leave it set there with power to it for a extended period of time.

  • Jozsef Placsintar says:

    Dear all!

    Based on our experience here on continental Europe, almost all decoders from the main, significant producers (LENZ, ESU, KHUN, TRAN, ZIMO) and also the start-up chinese ones, in the last several years can deal with both DC and DCC systems.
    On which we must pay attentions is the fact that still most of then are not set by factory as Enable for DC mode.

    For this CV29 configuration register’s Bit 2 (value 4) has to be set to logical 1 level.
    Pay attention with seting, since writting 4 to CV29 will overwrite other bits as (direction, Railcom enabling, etc). For proper seting use userfriendly software or ask expert! Also I (we) here could explain a bit more if requested.

    In DC mode limited features are available only – ie the most important one, the motor load management is still alive. Depending on decoder also other CVs can still work!

    Read with attention manufacturers manual about all it!

    Best regards: Jozsef

  • john gould says:

    Hi Gentlefolk, not too sure of the european DCC decoders,I use Digitrax equipment, but unless I am mistaken the loco address for non DCC locos is “00” as opposed to address “03” for out of the box DCC locos.Regards to all. J

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