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Walthers 130′ turntable used with DCC?

Richards questions readers on this:

“I have the older HO Walthers 130′ turntable which is not DCC ready. Do I need to make any modifications to use it on my DCC layout? I am not concerned with the control for the turntable as that can still run off of aux power, but I don’t know if there is common wiring between the motor control for the turntable and the bridge track itself. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!”

2 Responses to Walthers 130′ turntable used with DCC?

  • Newman Atkinson says:

    Richard Your right in that the track power is or should be separate from the turntable motor. If your table already changes direction (or polarity as it turns then it should be no problem But if it does sometimes an auto revers-er circuit board might need to be inserted before the power gets to the turn table. If you would also install a DCC Chip to the motor on the turn table then you can control the speed of the turn much better and also be more realistic. Just make sure the turntable motor power does noty exceed the input power for the chip but you should be ok on that. With the chip on the turn table you could now run it right from your throttle. from Newman Atkinson

  • Dennis says:

    I have the 130′ Walthers motorised turntable and will be using it for DCC. I can confirm that it is of the split ring variety which means you should not need an auto revers-er. What will happen though is that any loco with sound will cut out, when the turntable reaches the dead zone, as it rotates around. You may then have to re-start your loco from your throttle. That’s the only draw-back.
    Good luck.

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