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Shaping People Figures to Fit Different Railroad Scenes

Rick who models N scale has this question for others in the hobby:

“I was wondering if there was an easy way to shape arms, legs and bodies to suite different scenes.  Such as a camp fire sit, or bending to pick something up, etc.”

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3 Responses to Shaping People Figures to Fit Different Railroad Scenes

  • J E Wilson says:

    Easy way? not really – I modified the front of a regular heat gun using kitchen foil and a small paintbrush to make the approximately 1/16″ hole out. I use the heat gun on low and hold the model with 2 sets of tweezers – one on each side of where I want it to bend. Carefully and not long, I put the figure in front of the heat gun where the air comes out – short bursts both sides until I can feel the figure to start to be bendable and continue until I get the result I want. It always seems like a long procedure, but after I ruined quite a few, I finally get the result I want. Not enough heat it can break and too much heat it will melt. Start on figures you do not care about and learn what works best. Samr procedure on plastic or lead figures just different heat times.. Do Not Use An Open Flame (I had disastrous effects) Once you get it down, you will like what you can do. Hope that helps.

  • Frank B says:

    Another way is to cut an arm precisely at the shoulder, the glue it back at the required angle.
    Cut with a very sharp craft knife, or a very sharp sprue cutter.
    File or cut the limb base to the necessary angle.
    Fix with liquid poly cement (MEK or DCM) (the pure solvent) applied with a fine paintbrush.
    Use model filler to close any gap.

  • Robert Brady says:

    The only figures I’ve modified were bathers in a house pool ,while the clear caulk was fresh i cut the legs off so either looked waste deep ,shoulder deep or siting on coving. when observed by family members or friends they just had to touch water to see if it was real,lol.

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