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How To Reglaze Passenger Car Windows

Neill asks readers this question:

“I have some Atlas passenger cars I bought off eBay, but most of the original windows are missing so will need reglazing. What’s the best way to tackle this as I want them to look more realistic if possible?”

11 Responses to How To Reglaze Passenger Car Windows

  • Brian in Portland says:

    What scale? Micro Mark has a very good solution for N Scale.

  • Matt Jackson says:

    You didn’t say what scale, but you could cut strips of clear plastic from those containers used to package pre-cut fruit at the store, then glue that in place behind the window openings.

  • Robert Moore says:

    I have a bottle of clearfix From humbrol.
    I must admit I have not used it yet.
    I hope it works, but am only trying to fix loose windows.

    • Robert Moore says:

      I did not like the Clearfix. But my wife (good RRer) Said we have used the clear page protectors from the stationary store, & there is an opaque side as well, these are good
      for washroom windows.

  • donj1044 says:

    Try purchasing a sheet of clear plastic. Cut the plastic to size and glue it on the inside of the car.
    Simple == easy=== and not expensive

  • Randall Styx says:

    The clear plastic collar stiffeners packaged with some new dress shirts make good model glass stock.

  • David Stokes says:

    Many of our brothers use clear DVD covers for clear, flat glazing. Micro Mark have a clear liquid that works well. Be aware that most “plastic glues” will cloud styrene. I suggest using a water based poly clear (estapol) or Johnston’s Clear, a hard setting acrylic floor polish. Clear has a number of cool “hacks” for model builders, although I understand there has been a name change so ask the shop assistant.

  • Richard Parkhurst says:

    There is an excellent product called “560 Canopy Adhesive” which I use to fix clear parts to my models. It is water-based, dries clear, and has good Adhesive qualities. One advantage is any excess can be wiped away with a damp cotton bud (Q-tip). You should be able to find in a local hobby store.

  • Brian says:

    Hi Neil,
    As Robert Moore has suggested try the Humbrol Clear Fix. You could also try microscope slide glass, available in various thicknesses and usually about 250 plates per box. There is a video on YouTube somewhere about using these. If you use this last method, be aware the plates are easily broken and very small splinters.Please don’t use ‘super glue’ as the glass will bloom at the edges.

    KR Brian

  • Richard B. Walterw says:

    Try contacting Atlas in Hillside, N.J. Ask for their parts department and have your info ready.

  • W Rusty Lane says:

    Yeah, I agree with some of the above. I usually take all my passenger coaches and cabooses apart and use clear plastic from food containers and use that for my window glazing. I usually use super glue and try not to get it on the clear plastic ’cause it will make unsightly clouding of the plastic. I’ve heard of the canopy glue as suggested by Richard, but I haven’t tried it yet. I try to get by on a shoestring budget so I use what I have on hand. Sometimes when using super glue I end up having to do it twice because I wasn’t careful enough using it.

    Rusty in eastern Tennessee

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