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Professional Model Builder

Rebecca asks this:

“My brother loves N scale, and has purchased models and equipment to customize. He is disabled, in a wheelchair and deaf, and tech-shy, so he does no email, but can communicate well by text. His manual nerve damage makes model building difficult. Does anyone know of a model railroad builder, especially in the Sacramento/NoCal area, who might be willing and able to do model work to his specs professionally?”

3 Responses to Professional Model Builder

  • Kevin Ching says:

    Hi Rebecca,
    I would suggest that you look up a model railroad club in the area I am sure that they would be happy to help your brother. He may of course like to join the club and attend some running sessions so that he will be able to learn some of the technology involved. Sorry that i cant help further as i live in New Zealand and we have our own club here. We run a kids program where they can come along on a Saturday morning and learn at one of our teaching programs. Our members are keen to pass on our knowledge to anyone. Hope he finds modelling railroad a help with his disability.

  • W Rusty Lane says:

    Oops! His handle is -HEMI-. Don´t know how that ¨k¨ got in there. My right hand sometimes types letters that I don´t intend

  • W Rusty Lane says:

    There´s a guy on the Hobby Talk forum and his handle is -HEMI-, and is a professional model builder. He has numerous posts in the Model Railroading section of the forum. He´s been building HO scale and others for over 20 years, Although his photos are no longer active, you may want to check it out. He states that he has built somewhere in the neighborhood of some 100,000 scale models. That´s the only one I know of who builds scratch buildings with a lot of very fine detail. I would volunteer to help, but I live in eastern Tennessee and we would have to send each other instructions on exactly what your brother would or may want. I do some scratch building but only for HO scale. N scale is just too small for my big ole hands; plus the fact that I had a stroke on July 15, 2017, which left my right hand numb. It gets harder and harder to do minute details since I had the stroke. My eyesight is still quite keen but I have to wear magnifying glasses for the finer details. I sure hope you can find someone who will be able to help your brother. God bless you and your brother. I´ll keep him in my prayers.

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