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Problems Setting DCC Address For Locomotive

Roy has this question for readers:

“I have an HO steam loco with sound and am having a problem setting a long address. I use NCE Power Cab. I reset the address from 3 to a long address of 5063 and it runs well on that address. I turn the layout off but next time I run the loco in question the address has reverted to 3. I have tried to change it several times on the main but after turning the system off it still reverts to 3. Any suggestions to solve this annoying problem? Thanks in advance.”

4 Responses to Problems Setting DCC Address For Locomotive

  • Bill says:

    Tough to answer with specific instructions as you don’t say what decoder you are using. It doesn’t matter what DCC system you are using. You probably have a CV that tells the decoder to use long or short address. If you look in the manual for the manufacturer of your decoder (not the one that came with your loco), it can be accessed on line, it will tell you what CV tells the decoder to use either address. You will have to change the number in the CV to tell the decoder to use the long address. It will then only respond to the long address until you change the CV back to its current value or until you reset the entire decoder to its default values.

  • Bob Sims says:

    Hi Roy
    You should do the following.
    Set CV 17+18 to 0 (zero) and subtract 1 from the value in CV29. CV1 should have a value of 3
    That should allow you to use 4 digit addresses.

  • Roy BLOOMFIELD says:

    Thanks for suggestions. It is a QSI decoder. I have reset CV 49,50 and 56. No luck


  • don batman says:

    If using recall loco – make sure that the # of recalls is set to 2. Otherwise recall will only bring up 1 loco – #3

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