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Spot The Difference – Layout at Australian Model Railway Show

I’ve had several requests to run some more SPOT THE DIFFERENCE puzzles as it’s been some time since I ran the last one. See how you go with this photo taken at a model train show in Queensland, Australia. The scene features a small country town. At first glance the photos look identical, but there’s actually 9 differences. How many can you find?

Simply add your answers using the COMMENTS link below.

spot the difference australian model trains show

8 Responses to Spot The Difference – Layout at Australian Model Railway Show

  • Lou De Braga says:

    1. printing appears on the edge of the garage roof in the top photo and not on the bottom photo
    2. Red house in top photo has an extra window on the wall adjacent to the caravan; bottom doesn’t
    3. same red house (bottom photo) has an additional post on the porch as opposed to the top photo
    4. top photo contains one more small tree behind some fencing that the bottom photo doesn’t
    5. there’s a clothes drying rack in the back yard of the mint green house that isn’t there on the bottom photo
    6. there’s a person by the clothes drying rack that isn’t there on the bottom photo
    7. there are chickens in the chicken pen in the back yard of the red house in the top photo
    8. front yard of the white house has a fountain in the top photo but not on the bottom one
    9. house in the distant right on the bottom photo contains two windows on the near wall but only one window on the top photo

  • Ken Ertman says:

    I found 8
    Post on red house
    window missing on house in background
    wheel path missing
    wording on gas awning missing
    tree missing in background
    person missing behind yellow house
    chickens missing
    window added on red house

  • Ken Ertman says:

    Found the ninth! Bird bath on 3rd house 🙂

  • Robert says:

    window missing, sign at Gas station missing.

  • john says:

    sign on gas station missing

  • Gary Robinson says:

    I believe there are 10. That is what I found unless I miscounted

  • Gary says:

    1. No sign on gas station on bottom photo
    2. Missing porch post on red house in top photo
    3. Missing tree in back center near backdrop in bottom photo
    4. Missing back window on red house in bottom photo
    5. No birdbath in front of White House in bottom photo
    6. Missing clothes drying rack behind green house
    7. Added window on house in back right corner
    8. No chickens in hen house behind red house bottom photo
    9. Incomplete right driveway on green house

  • Robert says:

    Well done to everyone. Here are the answers.

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