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NCE Power Cab Problem

Jason models HO and his question is:

“Hello all, I have been of the armchair variety for many years due to funds, usable space, life etc. Over the years I have collected a few locos and finally have the space to build and as of now I have only straight track installed (no turnouts with the possibility of shorts), one DCC factory installed loco and a few older RTR units. When I first hooked up the system and programmed the one loco, things were great, somewhere along the line of installing decoders in the others, it seems the top speed is no where near what it was when I only had the one running.

Additionally, the initial start up response has decreased on the factory unit. The only CV’s I changed were on the older units that I had to install the decoders hardwire. It also seems step 18 or 19 is full (after power loss) and the remaining speed steps up to 28 are unresponsive. Momentum is at 0, all units CV 5 maxed at 255, CV 6 127, CV2 varies a little from one to the other, initial loco unchanged and everything has been triple checked.

All locos run perfectly just slower and this is with only one on the track at a time so I’m not pulling too much juice. Additionally, I noticed that with the loco (any) completely shut off the amp meter still reads .01 to .03 fluctuating, not sure if this is normal or may be a symptom of a failed or partially failing system? Hoping some of you experts can help a tech dinosaur!”

4 Responses to NCE Power Cab Problem

  • Stuart says:


    A few things to try and you’ll need the PowerCab manual for details.
    1. Set the PowerCab to show amps and see how much is shown when you run the train(s).
    2. Use the PowerCab to reset the decoder.
    3. Try a factory reset of the decoder.

    • jason kelly says:

      Thnx for the reply, I have had it on the amps setting the whole time, newer locos pulling about .25 ish older Athearns pulling .45ish, the problem is unilateral across the board with every loco, top speed seems to hit at about step 14 and they dont respond after that, i will attempt to reset all the decoders in the morning but because it is every loco i think the problem is with the source, not sure if i did something accidentally to change it, never know after a couple of adult beverages but i triple checked everything in the morning.

      • jason kelly says:

        so….. reset all my decoders to factory settings and wala!!!! top speed achieved again! now i have to program them all to long address again, hope it doesnt happen again, anyone run across this besides me?

  • David Stokes says:

    Unlike slot cars, trains don’t usually race, especially when layout spaces restrict runs to just a couple of scale miles. Is the speed just too slow, i.e walking, or maybe a bit faster – then I’d worry. But if locos behave at the slow speed settings (step 4 through to 8), then I would not worry too much, as that is ideal for switching. Get yourself some Peco electrofrog points and start playing trains.

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