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Rocket Jet on Model Train Display

Ted wants to add a jet model to his HO layout and seeks your advice:

“I would like to put a model of an X-15 rocket jet, like one I put together about 50 years ago, outside of a ‘Transportation Museum’ on my HO layout. All I have been able to find so far are models in 1:72 or twice that. Revell has made one that can still be found at 1/64th. I’ve found 1/200,1/100, and others more different from HO. Any ideas where I might find anything closer to HO, or ideas on how to make what’s there closer, or some way to make do. I have toyed with the idea of slightly one of the slightly smaller models somewhat in the background (much like putting N scale trains and buildings in the background to add depth.”

7 Responses to Rocket Jet on Model Train Display

  • Don Schmitt says:

    People have no concept of the actual size so a 1/72 model will work. Personally I would go with a smaller scale so the plane does not overwhelm the scene.

  • Peter Cawthorne says:

    Like Don, I would go for the 1/72 as it is close enough to HO scale. It will appear bigger when in position, and who will know except you, Don and me.

  • David Smith says:

    It would be quite legitimate to have a model smaller than full size on display eg: the A380 outside Heathrow Airport, see: flightglobal.com/pictures-and-video-emirates-claims-a380-model-at-heathrow-gateway-is-worlds-largest/81976.article. Depends on how much space you have for it.

  • Dennis says:

    I actually made a small airbase on my HO layout. Everything on the base itself is 1/72 scale including the planes, vehicles, and personnel. Because it is separate from the rest of the layout, the scale differences are not that noticeable. I even have two 1/72 scale aircraft “in flight” hanging over the layout which look just fine. There really isn’t much to choose from as far as aircraft in 1/87 scale, but you can find just about anything you want in 1/72…..

  • Stephan Mack says:

    As planes and other flying things tend to be huge, I prefer to use 1/100. German company Faller even promoted them as “for H0” when I was still a kid.Some of these kids are still around occasionally in ebay. And curiously enough you`ll find a bunch of Eastern stuff as well. I collected them for a while, but still have to build them. Only my favourite, the DC-3 made to completion this far.

  • Juergen Hesels says:

    Hi I have build a diorama in the 1/87 scale of a very special gas station that is/was located in the state of Washington. The B17 represents itself as the gas station roof. The scales match pretty close.

  • Juergen Hesels says:

    And her the photo of the real station

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